
These jokes are for entertainment purposes ONLY!
Musicdude and any other person or company associated with this website
will NOT be held responsible for any dillemas arising from these jokes.

Arbitrator (ar'-bi-tray'-ter):
A cook that leaves ARBY's to work at McDonald's

Avoidable (uh-voy'-duh-buhl'):
What a matador tried to do

Baloney (buh-lo'-nee'):
Where some hem-lines fall

Bernadette (burn'-a-det'):
The act of torching a mortgage

Burglarize (bur'-gler-ize'):
What a crooks sees with

Control (kon'-trol):
A short, ugly inmate

Counterfeiters (kown'-ter-fit'-ers):
Workers who put together kitchen cabinets

Eclipse (ee-klips'):
What a barber does for a living

Eyedropper (i'-drop-ur):
A clumsy ophthalmologist

Heroes (hee-rhos'):
What a guy in a boat does

Left Bank (left' bangk'):
What the robber did when his bag was full of loot

Misty (mis-tee'):
How golfers create divots

Paradox (par'-u-doks'):
Two physicians

Parasites (par'-ih-sites'):
What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower

Pharmacist (farm'-uh-sist):
A helper on the farm

Polarize (po'-lur-ize'):
What penguins see with

Primate (pri'-mate'):
Removing your spouse from in front of the TV

Relief (ree-leef'):
What trees do in the spring

Selfish (sel'-fish'):
What the owner of a seafood store does

Subdued (sub-dood'):
Like, a guy who, like, works on one of those, like, submarines, man

Sudafed (sood'-a-fed'):
Brought litigation against a government official

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Email: musicdude@mailcity.com