
My Early Life

      I was born in California and moved to Amarillo, Texas soon thereafter. Then my family brought me back here to Sacramento, California and I've lived here ever since. I got invloved in Cub Scouts in 5th grade and am now in Boy Scouts.
      My parents got divorced around my 5th grade life. During the summer between 5th and 6th grade, I lost two grandparents to cancer within the same week and a half. It was one of the worst times in my life.
      Back in elementary school, I was never really a popular kid in the way I wanted to be. I was somewhat popular because I was the fattest kid in school. Those were bad times in my life. I was constantly made fun of, laughed at, and all the other stuff people do to fat kids. But then, during the summer of 1997, I all of a sudden lost about 40 lbs and became one of the most fit people in middle school. I soon won an award for being one of the most accomplished athletes in middle school. At the end of my freshman year in high school, I received another award of the same dynamic for being a deticated "athlete". The funny thing is that I don't play any competitive sports.
      So that's pretty much it. If there's anything else you care to know Contact Me.

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Website Programmer
Email: musicdude@mailcity.com